Arthritis and Joint Care

The clinic takes a holistic approach to joint care, starting with a thorough physical examination and history. Often, there are multiple factors limiting a person’s participation in their activities such as interrupted sleep, fear, and weakness. Previously unnoticed nerve changes can be corrected. The physical therapists at Colorado Nerve Care use the most contemporary methods of restoring joint health as well as addressing all the components of a return to full vitality.

Arthritis in its pure form causes stiffness and a short sharp twinge upon first moving. Many people have joint deterioration on imaging that does not match up with or explain all their symptoms. The physical examination will reveal a complete picture of the body and nervous system, which both contribute to a person’s experience. Treatment generally consists of muscle-balancing exercises, hands-on therapy to restore joint and nerve fluid movement, creating confidence and an understanding of safe movement, and instruction in a toolkit for self-care at home. Dry needling, TENS and other modalities are used as appropriate. We look forward to seeing you achieve your goals.

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Source: Bedson, J., Croft, P.R. The discordance between clinical and radiographic knee osteoarthritis: A systematic search and summary of the literature. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 9, 116 (2008).