Chronic Pain

Colorado Nerve Care specialists are at the forefront of treating chronic pain. We are leaders in the skill of diagnosing the cause of chronic pain in order to apply the most effective treatment. 

Pain is triggered by three possible pathways: tissue injury, nerve injury, and/or a dysfunction in processing by the brain and nervous system.

  1. Pain from a tissue injury responds well to typical physical therapy and usually resolves in under three months.
  2. Pain from a nerve injury tends to persist through typical exercise and massage treatments, and resolves in a few weeks with correct nerve-focused therapy.
  3. Pain from processing dysfunctions in the brain and nervous system can be resolved in a few months with the client’s dedication to a home maintenance program.


The human body has wonderful systems for self-healing. Repairing muscle, closing a wound, and building bone are all automatic functions of the body and tend to happen within 3-6 months after an injury, depending on a person’s internal state of health. Pain that is generated by the nervous system (whether central or peripheral) does not automatically heal and can persist for years. 

For example, if a person sprains their ankle, for the first two months it hurts when they walk on it and feels better when they rest, with a little throbbing at night. This is a tissue injury. Two years later, the ankle sometimes hurts with walking and sometimes doesn’t. It actually hurts more when they’re sitting than when they’re moving. It seems to swell randomly. This is the nervous system. The ankle at two years will not respond to the balance exercises and taping that worked in the first two months because the cause of the pain is different. Dr. Aronow evaluates the source of your pain to determine the correct treatment.

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